Getting Started

This section will help you get started on your Bevy journey as quickly as possible. It will walk you through setting up your development environment and writing a simple Bevy app.

Quick Start

If you want to dive in immediately and you already have a working Rust setup, feel free to follow this "quick start" guide. Otherwise, move on to the next page.

Note: the "fast compiles" setup is on the next page, so you might want to read that section first.

Try the Examples

  1. Clone the Bevy repo:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the new "bevy" folder
    cd bevy
  3. Try the examples in the examples folder
    cargo run --example breakout

Add Bevy as a Dependency

Bevy is available as a library on

Add the bevy crate to your project's Cargo.toml like this:

bevy = "0.4" # make sure this is the latest version

This is the current bevy crate version:

NOTE: Bevy is currently being updated at a rapid pace. Taking a dependency on the git repo instead of the cargo crate will allow you to receive the latest updates as fast as possible. However, there are often breaking changes made to APIs and behavior. This means that it will be important to keep up with the latest developments with bevy. This is not recommended for people who are just getting started with bevy.

bevy = { git = "" }

In general its a good idea to lock in to a specific commit hash, which gives you control over when you take updates. You can find the latest commit hash here (to the right of each commit).

bevy = { git = "", rev = "25f62f7250a0d750068dc32533b9433f7985af98" }